Warnings about compounded semaglutide, glucose sensors

Compounded semaglutide may lead to dosing errors and some FreeStyle Libre 3 sensors may be inaccurate, the FDA said.

Two recent FDA notifications were relevant to diabetes care.

The FDA recently warned that it had received reports of adverse events, some requiring hospitalization, that may be related to overdoses due to dosing errors associated with compounded semaglutide injectable products. The agency encourages health care professionals and compounders to provide patients with the appropriate syringe size for the intended dose and counsel patients on how to measure the intended dose using the syringe. Clinicians should also be vigilant when prescribing and administering compounded semaglutide, as there may be different concentrations available, according to the July 26 FDA alert.

The FDA also announced a medical device correction for a small number of FreeStyle Libre 3 sensors by Abbott distributed in the United States during the first half of May 2024. Some of the sensors from three lots may provide incorrect high glucose readings, which, if undetected, may pose a potential health risk for people with diabetes and can lead to incorrect treatment decisions, such as taking insulin when not required. The issue affects a small number of sensors from lots T60001948, T60001966, and T60001969, according to the July 31 announcement.