In the News

New international guidelines tackle diabetic foot infection diagnosis, treatment

Recommendations from the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot and the Infectious Diseases Society of America focus on diagnosing soft-tissue and bone infection and choosing when to give antibiotics, among other topics.

CT as effective as angiography as first test for patients with diabetes, chest pain

Patients with diabetes and stable chest pain had no difference in major adverse cardiac events if they underwent cardiac CT first when they were referred for invasive coronary angiography, and they had fewer procedure-related complications with a CT-first strategy.

COVID-19 boosters associated with transient increases in glycemia, study finds

A small cohort study of patients with type 1 diabetes who received COVID-19 booster vaccines found significant increases in their blood glucose levels on the second and third day after vaccination.

MKSAP quiz: History of gestational diabetes

This month's quiz asks readers to evaluate a 26-year-old woman who had gestational diabetes during a pregnancy 4 years ago, but her 12-week postpartum oral glucose tolerance test was normal.

Spotlight on technology for pregnant diabetes patients

Studies of continuous glucose monitoring in pregnant patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes highlighted the effects of time in range on neonatal outcomes, while two others tested automated insulin delivery during pregnancy in type 1 diabetes patients.

Weekly insulin icodec superior to daily insulin analogues in latest manufacturer trial

Patients with type 2 diabetes who used weekly insulin icodec and a dosing app had greater reductions in HbA1c levels than similar patients randomized to start a daily insulin analogue with a traditional dosing strategy.

In T2DM uncontrolled with noninsulin glucose-lowering agents, weekly icodec reduced HbA1c vs. daily degludec at 26 wk

Weekly insulin icodec has shown potential benefit in recent trials, but data on its effects in patients with type 1 diabetes or renal or hepatic failure are still awaited, an ACP Journal Club commentary noted.

Case reports describe unusual occurrences in patients with diabetes

Recent case reports focused on linagliptin-induced pancreatitis and euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis after cardiac surgery.

Almost 4 in 10 with type 1 diabetes were diagnosed in adulthood

Peak diagnosis age was approximately 15 years, and the median age of diagnosis was 24 years, but 37% of adults with type 1 diabetes reported having been diagnosed after age 30 years in a recent study.

Higher aspirin dose no more effective for CV prevention in high-risk patients with diabetes

A subgroup analysis of a randomized trial found that patients with diabetes and atherosclerotic cardiovascular (CV) disease had similar outcomes whether they took 81 mg or 325 mg of aspirin daily.

‘Night owls' more likely to have unhealthy lifestyles, higher diabetes risk

In a retrospective cohort study, people with an evening chronotype were more likely to smoke, sleep poorly, and be physically inactive and had a 72% higher risk for diabetes than those with a morning chronotype.