In the News

Short-term antiplatelet therapy after PCI appears better than long-term in patients with diabetes, meta-analysis finds

In patients with diabetes, long-term dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) was associated with a higher rate of major or minor bleeding compared with short-term DAPT, while the increase was nonsignificant in those without diabetes.

Medicare finalizes policies to expand its Diabetes Prevention Program Model

The intervention for Medicare beneficiaries with prediabetes includes at least 16 weekly hour-long sessions over months 1 to 6 and at least 6 monthly maintenance sessions over months 6 to 12.

Intervention with web-based component appears to raise hypoglycemia awareness

The blood glucose awareness training involved three 2.5-hour group sessions over 4 weeks plus 2 online modules to be done between group meetings.

MKSAP quiz: Exercise and hypoglycemia

This month's quiz asks readers to advise a 40-year-old man with type 1 diabetes who has intensified his exercise routine in preparation for participation in a 10-K race.

In type 2 diabetes treated with high-dose insulin, liraglutide reduced HbA1c

The hypoglycemia rate was higher in the first month after initiation of liraglutide, but the overall hypoglycemia rate over the 6-month follow-up was similar in liraglutide and placebo patients.

In patients with type 2 diabetes and high CV risk, liraglutide reduced a composite CV outcome at a median 3.8 y

The study's primary composite outcome was first occurrence of death from cardiovascular (CV) causes, nonfatal (including silent) myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke.

In patients with type 2 diabetes and CVD, empagliflozin reduced incident or worsening nephropathy at 3.1 y

A subanalysis of a trial of empagliflozin for patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) found lower rates of nephropathy in those randomized to empagliflozin rather than placebo.

Weight loss program may improve HbA1c more than typical diabetes nutrition counseling, study finds

Patients participating in Weight Watchers program supplemented with diabetes education lost more weight than a control group by 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of follow-up.

Spotlight on activity

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) issued a new position statement on physical activity and exercise, and a recent study offered some additional advice on the topic.