Search results for "From ACP Journal Club"

Results 71 - 80 of about 137 for "From ACP Journal Club".
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Review: Adding a DPP-4 inhibitor to an SGLT-2 inhibitor reduces genital, but not genitourinary, tract infections

The authors of an accompanying ACP Journal Club commentary noted that although the risk for bias in the five reviewed studies was reportedly low, the results were imprecise and inconsistent, leaving little confidence in the evidence of an apparent reduction in infection risk with dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors.
13 Apr 2018

Intensive weight management in primary care improved weight loss and remission of type 2 diabetes

The author of an ACP Journal Club commentary said that the intervention effect was strong enough to prompt a reconsideration of primary care management of obesity and that the results of the trial may motivate patients to lose enough weight to reverse diabetes.
13 Apr 2018

Review compares effectiveness, cost, and safety of second-line drugs for diabetes

The review found that sulfonylureas were more cost-effective than newer agents, but an ACP Journal Club commentary stressed the importance of shared decision making in the choice of a second agent.
9 Feb 2018

Exenatide did not reduce major cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes

While exenatide can be considered a second-line option for patients with type 2 diabetes and some may prefer its once-weekly dosing, those at high cardiovascular risk should receive agents with demonstrated cardiovascular benefit, according to an ACP Journal Club commentary.
12 Jan 2018

Liraglutide reduced a composite renal outcome at a median 4 y in patients with type 2 diabetes and high CV risk

An ACP Journal Club commentary noted that the mechanism by which liraglutide improves renal outcomes is uncertain and that renal benefit was driven by a decrease in the surrogate outcome of macroalbuminuria, with measures of renal impairment remaining unchanged.
12 Jan 2018

Review: In diabetes, intensive and standard glycemic control do not differ for end-stage kidney disease or death

The review suggests that treating diabetes with strict glycemic control does not reduce mortality or cardiovascular risk or slow progression of kidney disease, and the results question whether strict glycemic control for preventing any complications is warranted, ACP Journal Club authors wrote.
10 Nov 2017

Self-monitoring of blood glucose did not improve HbA1c or QOL at 1 year in non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetes

The randomized controlled trial adds to the evidence about routine use of self-monitoring of blood glucose for all patients with type 2 diabetes, according to an ACP Journal Club commentary.
10 Nov 2017

In type 1 diabetes, education with either insulin pumps or daily injections did not differ for HbA1c at 2 years

The results showed that when patients on multiple daily insulin injections received structured education, there was no additional benefit of switching to pump therapy for glycemic control, hypoglycemia rates, or quality of life, according to an ACP Journal Club commentary.
8 Sep 2017

Review: Dapagliflozin increases, and empagliflozin reduces, adverse renal events in type 2 diabetes

A commentary called for the findings to be confirmed with randomized controlled trials designed specifically to evaluate the effect of SGLT2 inhibitors on the kidneys.
11 Aug 2017

Bariatric surgery improved HbA1c at 5 y more than intensive medical care alone in obese patients with T2DM

A commentary considers the industry-funded STAMPEDE trial, in which obese patients with type 2 diabetes were randomly assigned to intensive medical therapy alone or intensive medical therapy plus Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy.
9 Jun 2017

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