Search results for "Keeping tabs"

Results 131 - 140 of about 141 for "Keeping tabs".
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Spotlight on blood pressure control

Intensive blood pressure control may increase diabetic patients' risk of stroke or coronary heart disease, a group of researchers recently concluded in two separate publications.
14 Jun 2013

Spotlight on bariatric surgery

Treatment of type 2 diabetes with bariatric surgery was discussed by several recent publications, including updated guidelines from a group of medical specialty organizations.
10 May 2013

Spotlight on diabetes knowledge and practice

Knowledge among U.S. patients and clinicians about recommended care for diabetes is good but could still use improvement, one can conclude from studies published this month.
8 Mar 2013

Spotlight on insulin timing

The timing of insulin injections for patients with type 2 diabetes was the focus of several studies published in the past month.
8 Feb 2013

Spotlight on screening

New data on who to screen for diabetes and how to screen them were offered by a few studies published in the past month.
11 Jan 2013

Spotlight on metformin

The benefits of metformin treatment were highlighted by a few intriguing studies published in the past month.
14 Dec 2012

Spotlight on lifestyle interventions for National Diabetes Month

World Diabetes Day is to be held on Nov. 14 and President Obama recently proclaimed November to be National Diabetes Month.
9 Nov 2012

Spotlight on the state of diabetes

From the ancient Egyptians to current pilot projects, two recent articles in the New England Journal of Medicine reviewed the history and current state of diabetes care.
12 Oct 2012

Spotlight on viruses and diabetes

The possible role of viruses in the development of diabetes was analyzed by two recent studies.
14 Sep 2012

Spotlight on risk factors for developing diabetes

Several factors that increase or decrease one's risk of developing diabetes were identified by research released this month.
10 Aug 2012

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