In the News
Metformin associated with B-vitamin deficiency, cognitive dysfunction in older patients
This observational study suggests that metformin use in hyperglycemic older patients is associated with vitamin B12 and B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency and poorer cognitive performance.
Oral semaglutide led to greater reductions in HbA1c, body weight than sitagliptin
The industry-funded PIONEER 3 trial randomized adults whose type 2 diabetes was uncontrolled with metformin, with or without sulfonylurea, to receive either oral sitagliptin (100 mg/d) or oral semaglutide (3, 7, or 14 mg/d).
Early subspecialist involvement led to reduced infections among inpatients with diabetes
Researchers studied an early intervention model in which an inpatient diabetes team electronically identified patients with hyperglycemia and aimed to provide bedside management within 24 hours of admission, compared with a referral-based consultation service.
MKSAP quiz: Preconception medication management
This month's quiz asks readers to evaluate the medications of a patient with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and depression who hopes to become pregnant.
Spotlight on gestational diabetes and CVD
Having gestational diabetes, or even elevated glucose levels during pregnancy, may be associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease (CVD) later, according to three recent studies.
New guideline offers recommendations for older patients with diabetes or prediabetes
The Endocrine Society's new clinical practice guideline recommends lifestyle therapy, then metformin, then second-line drugs (but not sulfonylureas and glinides) or insulin for diabetes patients ages 65 years and older, among other advice.