Synopsis of ADA standards and new Graphic Medicine feature
The synopsis by diabetes experts was written specifically for primary care physicians and summarized the ADA Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes into 8 areas of importance.
A synopsis of the 2016 American Diabetes Association (ADA) Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes was published by Annals of Internal Medicine on March 1.

The synopsis by diabetes experts was written specifically for primary care physicians and summarized the ADA Standards into 8 areas of importance: diagnosis, glycemic targets, medical management, hypoglycemia, cardiovascular risk factor management, microvascular disease screening and management, and inpatient diabetes management. In each area, the ADA recommends an individualized approach where self-monitoring is also a key component of care.
The ADA Standards were published as a supplement to the January Diabetes Care, and changes from the previous versions were summarized in the January ACP Diabetes Monthly.
Also in Annals, the latest Graphic Medicine feature focused on diabetes. “Not the Needle! A Day in the Life of Someone Living With Diabetes” was published online on March 1. Annals Graphic Medicine brings together original graphic narratives, comics, animation/feature, and other creative forms by those who provide or receive health care.