In the News
ADA issues revised standards of care for diabetes
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has issued revised care standards for diabetes, with changes affecting glycemic targets, blood pressure goals, treatment, and other issues.
Diabetic foot ulcer treatment not always up to standard of care, consensus statement finds
Adequate off-loading with nonremovable casts or fixed ankle walking braces is the optimum modality for treating diabetic foot ulcers, but clinicians aren't always meeting this standard of care, a consensus statement found.
Initial intensive therapy associated with lower all-cause mortality in type 1 diabetes
Patients in the intensive treatment group of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) appeared to have modestly lower all-cause mortality over long-term follow-up than those in the conventional treatment group, according to a new study.
MKSAP quiz: Infected diabetic foot ulcer
This month's quiz asks readers to evaluate a 74-year-old man with history of fever, chills, confusion, and a nonhealing ulcer on the plantar surface of his left foot.
Review: In adult outpatients, nurse-managed protocols improve HbA1c levels and blood pressure
Medication titration by nurses according to protocols was associated with a modest improvement in control of some chronic diseases, including diabetes, according to a review and meta-analysis.
Patients on tramadol more likely to be hospitalized for hypoglycemia
Patients who began taking tramadol were significantly more likely to be hospitalized for hypoglycemia than those prescribed codeine, a recent study found.
Spotlight on economics and diabetes
Two recent studies found associations between economic factors and diabetes incidence and control.