Search results for "Highlights"

Results 121 - 130 of about 461 for "Highlights".
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FDA warns about ketoacidosis and urinary tract infections with SGLT2 inhibitors

The warnings are based on a review finding 73 cases of ketoacidosis in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and 19 cases of life-threatening urosepsis and pyelonephritis.
11 Dec 2015

Collaboration between generalists, subspecialists can improve glycemic control

A “virtual clinic” model involving consultations between diabetes subspecialists and primary care physicians was associated with glycemic improvements in treated patients and controls from the same practices, a British study found.
11 Dec 2015

Long-term variation in HbA1c, SBP levels associated with CVD risk in type 2 diabetes

Diabetes patients who developed cardiovascular disease were found to be older, to have had diabetes longer, and to have significantly higher and lower levels for total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol, respectively, as well as having high coefficients of variation for HbA1c and systolic blood pressure.
11 Dec 2015

Diabetes, prior CHD may not be equivalent CHD risk factors, study indicates

The population-based prospective cohort analysis of adults who were members of a single U.S. health care delivery system compared CHD risk among those with and without a history of diabetes or CHD.
8 Jan 2016

Glucose-lowering agents other than metformin associated with higher mortality in study

Compared to matched controls, patients on metformin monotherapy did not show significant excess mortality during follow-up, but patients on sulfonylurea or insulin monotherapy had higher mortality rates.
8 Jan 2016

ADA revises its Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recently revised its Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes, making changes to more than a dozen clinical areas and also noting that it will no longer use the word “diabetic” as a noun when referring to people with diabetes.
8 Jan 2016

Combined canagliflozin, metformin may offer better glycemic control than monotherapy, study finds

The industry-funded, double-blind, randomized, controlled trial assigned adult patients with type 2 diabetes who were not taking antihyperglycemic agents before the study to 26 weeks of treatment in 1 of 5 arms.
12 Feb 2016

New risk score for CVD may be easier to use than existing scores in patients with diabetes

Researchers used data from the ADVANCE-ON study to develop the AD-ON risk score, a 10-year risk score for the combined endpoint of major cardiovascular disease (CVD) or chronic kidney disease.
12 Feb 2016

Diabetes risk with statins appears to be outweighed by reduction in overall mortality

An observational cohort study examined the effect of statins on diabetes risk and overall mortality in 13,508 normoglycemic patients and 4,563 patients with impaired fasting glucose.
12 Feb 2016

Pioglitazone, but not rosiglitazone, associated with increased risk of bladder cancer

The results of this study pose the question of whether the increased likelihood of bladder cancer, which is rare, justifies withholding pioglitazone from adults with type 2 diabetes, according to an accompanying editorial.
8 Apr 2016

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