Search results for "Highlights"

Results 31 - 40 of about 461 for "Highlights".
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Most second-line treatments for type 2 diabetes modified within year of initiation

Among patients with type 2 diabetes put on a second-line drug, 38.6% discontinued the medication within one year of starting, 19.8% intensified the medications, and 5.2% of patients switched drug classes, according to data from over 82,000 U.S. patients.
12 Jan 2024

AHA releases scientific statement on diabetic foot ulcers in cardiovascular patients

Qualitative and quantitative research is needed to resolve the reasons behind amputations for diabetic foot ulcers, the American Heart Association (AHA) said.
12 Jan 2024

Liraglutide had best outcomes in trial of second-line therapies added to metformin

Patients randomized to liraglutide had a 60.3% risk of reaching a composite outcome of glycemic deterioration, weight gain, or hypoglycemia compared with 81.4% on glimepiride, 71.9% on glargine, and 69.6% on sitagliptin.
9 Feb 2024

Physical activity may weaken association between cognitive decline and diabetes

Diabetes increased risk for cognitive impairment among inactive but not active adults in a cohort study in Brazil, and active adults with diabetes developed cognitive impairment 2.73 years later, on average, than the inactive diabetes patients.
12 Jan 2024

Baricitinib may preserve beta-cell function in early stages of type 1 diabetes

An editorial noted that increasing knowledge developed from trials of patients with early type 1 diabetes could eventually enable treatment to prevent clinical disease.
8 Dec 2023

CGM use linked with modest HbA1c decreases in patients with type 2 diabetes

Real-time continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) increased the percent of time in range among patients with type 2 diabetes compared with self-monitoring, and both real-time and flash CGM lowered HbA1c levels, a meta-analysis found.
8 Dec 2023

Finerenone works by quickly lowering albuminuria, analysis finds

Reductions in the urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio within four months were responsible for 84% of the treatment effect of finerenone on kidney outcomes and 37% of that on cardiovascular outcomes, according to an industry-funded four-year analysis of trials in patients with chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes.
8 Dec 2023

In patients with type 2 diabetes or HF, SGLT2 inhibitors reduce gout-related outcomes

The effects of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors on gout in patients with type 2 diabetes or heart failure (HF) may allow reduced polypharmacy when treatment for gout is also needed, an ACP Journal Club commentary said.
10 Nov 2023

Women more likely to have pain with diabetic peripheral neuropathy

Cardiometabolic factors traditionally associated with microvascular disease were not associated with risk for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes, a European study found.
10 Nov 2023

High-normal albumin-to-creatinine ratio associated with CV events in type 2 diabetes

Patients with an elevated urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio, even below 30 mg/g, were at increased risk for major adverse cardiovascular (CV) events, a post hoc analysis of the ACCORD trial found.
10 Nov 2023

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