Search results for "Test yourself"

Results 1 - 10 of about 146 for "Test yourself".
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MKSAP quiz: Hypoglycemia from insulin error

This month's quiz asks readers to evaluate a 22-year-old woman with a recent type 1 diabetes diagnosis who has called about anxiety, shakiness, and sweating. She reports accidentally taking 18 units of insulin aspart before bedtime, rather than the prescribed basal insulin, insulin glargine.
13 Sep 2024

MKSAP quiz: Timing of diabetic eye exams

This month's quiz asks readers to determine when a 56-year-old man with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes should undergo a dilated and comprehensive eye examination.
9 Aug 2024

MKSAP quiz: Poor glycemic control despite intensification

This month's quiz asks readers to evaluate a 47-year-old woman who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus 14 months ago. Despite progressive intensification of diabetes therapy, her plasma glucose levels remain poorly controlled.
12 Jul 2024

MKSAP quiz: Burning pain in feet

This month's quiz asks readers to evaluate a 55-year-old man with type 2 diabetes and burning pain in both feet.
14 Jun 2024

MKSAP Quiz: Diagnosing diabetes

This month's quiz asks readers to evaluate an asymptomatic 37-year-old man whose hemoglobin A1c level is 6.3% and fasting plasma glucose level is 135 mg/dL.
10 May 2024

MKSAP Quiz: Hyperglycemia during hospitalization

This month's quiz asks readers to evaluate a 67-year-old man with hyperglycemia 3 days after admission for a COPD exacerbation. The patient's oral intake remains good.
12 Apr 2024

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation in the ICU for urosepsis

A 70-year-old woman is evaluated in the ICU after admission for urosepsis. Appropriate antibiotics and intravenous fluids were initiated. She remains critically ill and continues to have poor oral intake. She has type 2 diabetes mellitus, which has been previously well controlled. Following lab tests, what is the most appropriate treatment?
8 Mar 2024

MKSAP quiz: Hypoglycemia evaluation

This month's quiz asks readers to evaluate a patient without diabetes who has recurrent hypoglycemia episodes.
9 Feb 2024

MKSAP quiz: Foot ulcer management

This month's quiz asks readers to choose a next step in management for a 57-year-old man with a nonhealing ulcer on the plantar aspect of the left foot despite six weeks of standard wound care and pressure off-loading.
12 Jan 2024

MKSAP quiz: Screening recommendations

This month's quiz asks readers to choose a screening test for a 46-year-old man with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, and depression.
8 Dec 2023

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