Search results for "Keeping tabs"

Results 101 - 110 of about 141 for "Keeping tabs".
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Spotlight on lipid treatment

Control of cholesterol levels among patients with type 2 diabetes commonly falls short of recommendations, according to two recent studies of contemporary practice in other countries.
12 Mar 2021

Spotlight on COVID-19 and diabetes medications

Several recent studies have found evidence that outcomes from COVID-19 differ by the diabetes medications patients were taking before they got sick, including metformin being associated with better outcomes, but confounding by indication is likely, researchers noted.
9 Apr 2021

Spotlight on GLP-1 receptor agonists and the lungs

The theory that glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists may have beneficial effects on the lungs gained support from recent analyses of patients with asthma, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and all types of respiratory diseases.
14 May 2021

Spotlight on CVD risk prediction

One study found that wider diabetes screening made a cardiovascular disease (CVD) prediction tool less accurate, while other research evaluated the ability of coronary artery calcium testing and a neuropathy questionnaire to identify type 2 diabetes patients with high CVD risk.
11 Jun 2021

Spotlight on diabetes prevalence and control

Diabetes became significantly more common from 1999 to 2018, but control of associated risk factors did not, especially in rural areas of the U.S., according to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
9 Jul 2021

Spotlight on youth-onset type 2 diabetes

One study found that patients who developed type 2 diabetes as children had high rates of diabetes complications, while another used genetic analysis to identify patients who actually had maturity-onset diabetes of the young but had been diagnosed with youth-onset type 2 diabetes.
13 Aug 2021

Spotlight on diabetes and sleep disorders

One review looked at rates of sleep disorders in patients with diabetes, another study found that the combination of impaired glucose tolerance and a sleep disorder increases mortality risk, and patient interviews revealed benefits and barriers to use of continuous positive airway pressure.
10 Sep 2021

Spotlight on glycemic control during the pandemic

Several new studies showed that among patients with type 1 diabetes, glycemic control improved and diabetic ketoacidosis decreased during COVID-19 lockdowns, while patients with type 2 diabetes showed the opposite trend during the pandemic.
8 Oct 2021

Spotlight on dementia and glycemic control

Prediabetes and diabetes were associated with development of dementia in a South Korean study, and poorly controlled diabetes was tied to increased risk of incident cognitive impairment or progression to dementia in a Swedish study.
12 Nov 2021

Spotlight on body weight and diabetes complications

A systematic review found that weight gain was associated with increased cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes patients but that the effects of intentional weight loss were unclear, while another analysis found that higher body mass index was mostly not associated with cancer mortality.
10 Dec 2021

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